32 Names that Mean Rain for Boys and Girls

List of baby names that mean Rain for your baby boy and baby girl. See all the latest Baby names meaning Rain, Find rare and unique names that stand for Rain, What name means Rain? All Rain names for girls, Rain names for boys.

  1. Iris ایرس

    Colorful, Rainbow, Colors of rainbow Color Rain Rainbow
  2. Irsa ايرسا

    Rainbow, Rainbow lily, Flower known as as-Sawsan al-Asmanjooni Flower Lily Rain Rainbow Rose
  3. Renu

    Atom , Grain of sand Rain
  4. Dimah دیمہ

    Rain that falls without lightning or thunder Light Lightning Rain Thunder
  5. Hazeem ہزیم

    Thunder, The sound of hooves, The sound that horses make when they walk, Continuous, Unending rain Horse Rain Sound Thunder
  6. Baghisha باغشہ

    Light rain, Light rain that only affects a small area Light Rain Small
  7. Baghish باغش

    Light rain, Light rain that only affects a small area Light Rain Small
  8. Adr عدر

    Heavy rain Rain
  9. Saybal سیبل

    Rain that falls heavily Rain
  10. Saibal سیبل

    Rain that falls heavily Rain